The time is NOW!

I woke up this morning to the birds chirping loudly, the sound of the wind, and feeling the Lord’s presence in my home. In a still and soft whisper, I heard the holy spirit say “THE TIME IS NOW”. I hadn’t blogged in a while and I kind of missed it. However, God gave me the gift of blogging to relay HIS message and not just anything I decide to come up with. My coach had made a status on Facebook and I remember commenting about me going back to my blogging. She simply said pray over your hands! Those simple words stirred something in me, in my spirit! Of course, I prayed! I prayed over my thoughts, my ears, my heart, and MY HANDS! But guess what I DID NOT BLOG!

It wasn’t until this morning when I sat in the presence of the Lord that my ears were activated to hear what my hands needed to type! It wasn’t until the sounds of the atmosphere shifted that I could clearly hear the sound of God’s voice! The birds sounded the alarm in my spirit that it was TIME to share God’s message as we entered into the first day of October.

We have hit the 10th month of this year and there’s such a significance in this! There is so much power resting upon those of us who believe and are serious about our father and his business. The number 10 is related to creation! I was taken back to the book of Genesis and reminded of God’s divine creative power. How with just three words “Let there be” he created everything around us including us and so it was! The things God has placed inside of you and the vision he has given you to accomplish it… I just came to give you the word ” THE TIME IS NOW”. Just as God used the power of 3 words, this month you need to open up your mouth and call everything forth! You’ve been brainstorming, trying to plan, figure it out, and look into ways to bring it to the forefront. What God has placed in you is not traditional, ordinary, or common. He wants you to bring something NEW, FRESH, DIFFERENT… God says CREATE IT,  THE TIME IS NOW!

All of that sounds good but you must do two things! Yep, it also deals with the number 10. You must obey his 10 commandments. Be mindful of how you operate as you create! Keep the commandments in mind and live them out. You must walk worthy to fulfill the purpose of the calling and reach the people in the places he’s leading you to.

Thou shall not steal! Be serious, consistent, and faithful with the 10% tithe. Be a good steward of what God has given you. Tithe faithfully and sow often! Be lead in your seed sowing and be obedient in your giving. IT’S IN YOUR HANDS!

THE TIME IS NOW! You are creating safe spaces, programs, ministries, jobs, and opportunities, for yourself, your bloodline, generational wealth, and an example for those coming behind you to live a life of abundance in Christ Jesus.

I pray this blesses you to start the month off right and trust God on a different level! This will no longer be just a thought or dream but if you’re obedient, this SHALL BE your lifestyle.


Lady Ashley



6 replies
  1. Nicole
    Nicole says:

    Thank you for sharing what the Holy Spirit has given you… I will go into this month knowing that The Time Is Now and It’s In My Hands…

    Thank you

  2. Felicia Bowles Mills
    Felicia Bowles Mills says:

    Lady Ashley, this absolutely blessed me like you wouldn’t believe. Thank you for being obedient to the voice of God.


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