Mind your own business

We live in a society that thrives off of negativity. People have been operating in the crab in the bucket mentality for so long that it has become the “NEW NORMAL”! I mean the goal is growth and elevation, right? I’ve been asked many times and on numerous occasions why is it so hard for people to move up? My answer has been and will always be ” Because people don’t know how to and need to learn how to mind their own business”! That’s the problem, it has always been the problem and will continue to be the problem until people tend to what they need to tend to for themselves. Think about it…. How can anyone focus or grow in their own lives if they’re always into someone else’s business? They can’t and they won’t! I am one who values my time! I have learned over the years and through trial and error that what I want, what I have, where I am, where I want to be and who I become is a result of what I do with my time! Nothing comes easy and everything requires you to do something. Yes, in my younger and immature phase I have sat in conversations I shouldn’t have as well as gave my “2cents”. But I can tell you that when I walked away I gained nothing and it didn’t put me in a better position at all! Let me point out that while I was involved and speaking on someone else’s business I could’ve been and should’ve been minding my own! That’s right! No shame in my game, we’ve all been there and some of you are still there. I’m just being real! I didn’t get to where I am overnight! I learned how to mind my own business and do what I needed to do for me! Do you want to know what happened then? I then became the topic and my business was now the new and latest topic of discussion! Whew, chile can we say level up?

Okay so now that I have given you my transparency let me help a sister out! First of all, if you can relate and want to grow UP then I got you. If you are going to get in your feeling while reading this…. girl get yourself together and let me teach you how to mind your business.

God gave us instructions about minding our own business! You read it right. GOD gave us instruction!!  If you go to 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 you find that he specifically told us this! Check out the scripture sis -> 1 Thessalonians 4:11 1 and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, 12 so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.

HERE’S THE PROBLEM -The problem is you’re too loud! You always want to be heard, the go-to person, feel validated and important! So what do you do? You meddle! You use your time to dig and find things on others. You watch people and wait for them to fall. You lurk on pages and watch people’s stories.  You pick up the phone or text your so-called friends and then judge everyone who seems to be doing better than you. You are envious and jealous. You want what others have, you constantly compare your life to others. You spend entirely too much time minding other people’s business! That was intense right? If what I just said bothered you then that means that you are not following instruction, are doing some of these things and you are not living by God’s word! The first verse says we are to make it our ambition to lead a quiet life. There shouldn’t be that much noise in your life if you are trying to progress and do your thing! When are you hearing from God if you’re constantly busy doing the work of the enemy? Hmmmmm?  Look at the second portion of verse 1 where it tells us that “we should mind our own business and work with our hands! The same ambition and effort you put into monitoring and patrolling other people’s lives is the same energy you can be putting into your own personal life! Focus on what can put you in a better position and healthy space mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially!  You should be so busy working on the betterment of your own life that you don’t have time to involve yourself in anything that is not conducive to what you are trying to do or where you’re trying to go!

WHATS THE BENEFIT? The 2nd verse says so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody. If you are minding your own business and doing what you have to do people will respect and admire you for your authenticity! You become the woman who exemplifies what the scripture means! You will become a woman who can help another woman! You walk in integrity and become a woman of great character! Because you walk in obedience, follow instructions and rely on God as your source this will exempt you from having to depend on others because you will rely on God alone!  

When you practice and apply this scripture to your life you will become a force to reckon with! There will be nothing that can move you from the face of God! There will be nothing that will shake you or break you sis! Stop attacking the next woman, stop competing, stop being envious, stop being jealous, stop comparing your life to others. You don’t know what a person had to go through to get to where they are. You don’t know what battles people had to fight, you don’t know what people had to overcome! You don’t know how a person had to pray their way out of depression and suicide! Quit hating on the next woman because you would probably trip and fall if you tried to take a step in her shoes! You don’t know the weight of a person’s assignment! You don’t understand the responsibility they have! Stop looking form the outside in and mind your business!  Disconnect from people who encourage your poor behavior, sinful and wicked ways. Do what you have to do and kill that spirit of being “PETTY BETTY, NEGATIVE NANCY AND TASHA WITH THE TEA” ! I am not telling you what I heard but I am telling you what I KNOW! I speak to you off of personal experience.  I give you what God gives me! When you learn to mind your business you can be about your father’s business! Everything you do will be blessed. Everything you manifest will prosper! Everywhere you place your foot will be a place God rests in.

I hope you learned something through this blog and it pushes you to step your game up! Break the cycle, be a trailblazer and walk with fire! Mind your business, start your business and be about your father’s business! It’s all about the kingdom baby! When people ask you what’s new simply reply “I’M JUST MINDING MY BUSINESS, GLOWING AND GROWING GIRL!”


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